Paulo presents paper in Brighton
O Paulo participa no congresso anual da Association for Art History, em Brighton, no painel “Urban Dislocations and the Architecture of Diasporas (1900 – present)”, organizado por Ralph Ghoche e Ignacio G. Galán. O paper do Paulo tem o título “The Paradox of Urban Dislocations in Luanda, Angola”. A sessão tem lugar na quinta-feira dia 4 de Abril 2019.
Paulo takes part in the Association for Art History Annual Conference, in Brighton, in the panel “Urban Dislocations and the Architecture of Diasporas (1900 – present)”, chaired by Ralph Ghoche and Ignacio G. Galán. Paulo’s paper is titled “The Paradox of Urban Dislocations in Luanda, Angola”. The session takes place on Thursday 4th April 2019.
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